Sunday, 13 December 2015

Opposition and ideologies

Examples of binary opposition:
-One of the more evident ones would be in terms of the political spectrum in which Brand is taking a more Left-wing approach, whereas Farage is taking a more right-wing approach.
-Another would be the situation of the rich and poor.
-Also between the different classes, upper and lower.

-Politicians are 'bad' and the cause of all of our problems
-That there is corruption amongst the government
-working class are lazy and scapegoat immigrants for all of problems
-middle/upper class keeping all money to themselves not being evenly distributed

Binary opposition:
-The most dominant being between the vietnamese and the Americans
-Between the black and white soldiers
-Between the sgts and the pvts
-the land and the soldiers

-Americans are dominant and powerful
-They wont be beaten
-That Americans are relentless
-They were right in fighting the war

Sunday, 6 December 2015



  1. This article is about the way women feel about the female gaze and how its not always about how men use it and about larger sized women being undeterred to model because of the stereotypes of being the lowest size possible.
  2. A perfect 14, Representing a real Woman
  3. The female gaze is usually used to theorize how men view women in the media, however in this case instead of women using the male gaze they could also be accused of viewing other women in the media but for other purposes. They instead use it for inspiration about how to change or not to change how they look in order to feel good.
  4. I do think more regular and normal women should be in the media. By showing models that are size 2 and below makes other younger women feel as though they need to be that size to fit in because that's the people they see on all of the TV adverts on the major channels. 

Introduction-This section talks about how different people create media texts with their own ideologies which other people then interpret or perceive exactly how they are.
Representation and the mass media- Suggests that there is a representation process in which certain people  including the photographer, picture editor and news editor. They can give images multiple meanings depending on their ideologies.

The how, who and why of representation- the expectations and needs of the target audience, the limitations provided by the genre codes, the type of narrative they wish to create and their institutional  remit.
Another approach to ideology-stuart hall- how the audience interpret the media text, they may believe it or see the oppositional meaning.
Representations and new media- shows the way in which social media gives more people a voice especially on youtube and twitter where influential normal people are made out to be idols.
Representing national identity in old and new media- old media texts such as newspapers would promote the ideologies that they want but newer media platforms like twitter would give people a voice of rejection.

I think I'm aware of what i post online, i wouldn't share all of my opinions on social media platforms such as twitter as it is very open and twitter could be said to be quite influential. If i were to post a lot on social media sites i would think about privatising my account so only people i want to see my posts could see it.

Maybe before it could be said that Institutions were the only ones with power and controlled the media, however due to new media outlets being created such as Social media platforms such as twitter it gives people a voice which other people are interested in viewing so in modern times the audience have more of a voice on how people or groups are represented.