Sunday, 24 April 2016

Section B essay (half)

The platform in question is film and 3 media products will be analysed including Ill manors, A Field in England and Inbetweeners as part of my independent case studies. In this essay i will be looking into how these films are constructed based on the platforms they are consumed on. This will involve looking into print,e-media and broadcast platforms of these 3 films.

E-media is a platform growing more important as technology advances so to construct a successful product, films such as Ill manors will need to take advantage of the resources available. Ill manors successfully created the 'tag-London campaign' which appeals to Plan B's younger target audience between 15-21 who are more inclined to use social media.  The Tag London campaign is a product of user generated content and Plan B's record company have created a website and video to promote this campaign which is mainly focused on posting opinions on social media websites. The campaign is attempting to focus peoples anger towards the people that are responsible for their problems and this is why the Tag London Campaigns video projected the graffiti tweets onto the Houses of Parliament and other politically significant buildings. The Campaign also gave people who tweeted exclusive access to a couple of songs from the unreleased album on soundcloud. This was successful with Ill manors because of the target audience however, a campaign like this would struggle among films like a field in England because of the difference in target audience and release strategy.

Subsequently, A field in England didnt have a very strong e-media campaign. Instead it offered a website offering a few behind the scenes exclusive interviews ect... But this didnt matter because their target audience would be placed in the succeder pychographic group and they are more interested in the 'art' behind the film making rather than the website. Whereas, Ill manors audience would most likely fall under the mainstreamers/strugglers psychographic groups and are more inclined to constantly use services such as twitter- the platform in which the tag London campaign was focused on.

Within the last decade print has become a dying media, nevertheless it seems mandatory that films still produce some kind of print for advertisement. And all of the films I am using in my cross media study have a film poster. Although less significant than e-media and broadcast, print does help construct the media product by telling the audience who the director is. And this is show on the Ill manors and a field in England posters as these films are lower budget and targeted at different audiences and so the directors name is featured frequently on the posters to establish a brand for the film and a name for themselves. However, for the Inbetweeners the poster is a lot more simple as a brand has already been created by the successful tv show. Although print is becoming less and less significant its almost a tradition to still make posters for films to inform audiences.

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