Thursday, 5 November 2015

Audience theory

Hypodermic needle model:
The article starts off by immediately stating that violent video games are bad without considering the other side of the argument, this forces the reader to read the rest of the article with that in mind and already make their mind up that violent video games are bad. Furthermore the two pictures that are used are of a snapshot of the 'violent' video game and two angry gamers which further indoctrinates the reader that violent video games are bad.

In the title of the paper it scapegoats violent video games for a young boy hacking a phone company and with this being capitalised and in a bold font the reader now thinks this to be true. This may be criticised as the photo reveals much of the young boys face who hacked the phone company.

Two-step flow model:
In some aspect it still is relevant as socially things are continuing to change and for example people today wouldn't believe that the world is flat because a scientist told them so.

With 2.1 million subscribers this youtuber would be an opinion leader as well as promoting themselves as youtubes #1 pc gaming reviewer.

With the Jamal edwards article the two step theory is only applicable if both social factors and effect of media are considered as together the audience will be more inclined to follow whats going on.


This show would be a diversion as it distracts the audience from reality with high quality entertainment and lots of action but also with an addicting plot.

This show would fall under the personal relationship category as the show has half a dozen seasons featuring the protagonist 'Dexter' and his family and the audience forms attachments to these characters.

This would be under the personal identity gratification as many young people who watch the show and will see what they see on a daily basis

This institution would come under surveillance (national geographic) as people watch and read the news and articles from its website or tv channel

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